On aika ilmoittautua nuorten PM-kilpailuun! Kilpailu pelataan Färsaarilla 9.–13.9.

Suomalaisittain paikat jaetaan viime vuoden koululaistren SM-kilpailun perusteella, niin että kaksi parasta ryhmissä A-E saa paikan. Pyrimme saamaan mukaan matkanjohtajan.

Halukkaiden lähtijöiden pitää ilmoittautua viimeistään 4.8.2021 toiminnanjohtajalle (marko.tauriainen@shakkiliitto.fi)

SM-kisan 2020 tulokset:

1. Olli Järviniemi 5/7
2. Tamas Martinec 5/7
3. Hanna Laihonen 3,5

1. Olivcer Wartiovaara 7/7
2. Toni Vainikka 6
3. Patrik Aalto 5

1. Eino Pölkki 5,5/7
2. Joel Tasa 5,5
3. Sini Jokinen 5

1. Aku Salonen 6,5/7
2. Jami Valpas 6
3. Aleksandr Häkkinen 5

1. Niklas Jaakkola 6
2. Eeli Asikainen 6
3. Pessi Heino 6


Kutsu nuorten PM-kilpailuihin alla englanniksi. Lisätietoa suomalaisten ilmoittautumisesta yms. myöhemmin.

Nordic Youth Chess Championships 2021
Tórshavn, Faroe Islands, 9-13 September, 2021

Talvsamband Føroya welcomes you to the Nordic Youth Chess Championships 2021 in Tórshavn from Thursday September 9th to Monday September 13th.

Location and accommodation
The tournament and accommodation will be at Hotel Føroyar. The 4-star hotel is located on a hillside with impressive views of the capital, Tórshavn. See www.hotelforoyar.fo for further information. The distance from Vágar Airport to Tórshavn is about 46 km (about 45 minutes).

We will provide transportation between Vágar Airport and the hotel upon arrival and departure.

Thursday, September 9
18.00-20.00  Dinner and opening ceremony
20.00             Captains meeting
Friday, September 10
06.30-09.30  Breakfast
09.50-10.00  Welcome speeches
10.00-14.00  Round 1
13.00-14.30  Lunch
16.00-20.00  Round 2
19.00-21.00  Dinner
Saturday, September 11
06.30-09.30  Breakfast
10.00-14.00  Round 3
13.00-14.30  Lunch
16.00-20.00  Round 4
19.00-21.00  Dinner
Sunday, September 12
07.00-09.30  Breakfast
10.00-14.00  Round 5
13.00-14.30  Lunch
16.00-20.00  Round 6
19.00-21.30  Dinner & prize giving
Monday, September 13
06.30-09.30  Breakfast

The schedule is subject to change if necessary. The final schedule will be published after the registration deadline and if needed, adjusted at the technical meeting.

Tournament rules
Six rounds using the Swiss system.  Each player gets 90 minutes with 30 seconds increment per move. The default time will be 15 minutes. Any player arriving 15 minutes after the start of the round will lose their game, unless the Chief Arbiter decides otherwise. The tournament consists of five age groups, U-20, U-17, U-15, U-13 and U-11, with two players per country in each group. Every player is obliged to use the algebraic notation.
Class A: For players born in 2001 or being younger
Class B: For players born in 2004 or being younger
Class C: For players born in 2006 or being younger
Class D: For players born in 2008 or being younger
Class E: For players born in 2010 or being younger

Talvsamband Føroya covers the accommodation and food for two players in each group and one team leader from each country: 2 triple rooms, 2 double rooms and one single room.
The cost for accompanying persons with full board is
Triple room (three persons)                                                                DKK 9400
Double/twin room (two persons)                                                        DKK 6800
Single room                                                                                         DKK 4200

Please use the attached entry form and return to Talvsamband Føroya. The registration deadline is Monday August 9, 2021.

Accompanying persons have to pay their national federation, which in return will be invoiced by the organizer.

We will stay updated with the COVID-19 situation in all countries and take all precautions necessary to have a safe tournament. We are in close contact to the Faroese authorities and follow all regulations mandatory. We reserve the right to require that all participants and accompanying persons get a COVID-19 test e.g. three days prior to the tournament. Moreover, the Faroese Authorities require that all travellers are tested on arrival. More information on this later.

Looking forward seeing you all in the Faroe Islands
Katrin D. Apol
Talvsamband Føroya