The festival is a part of FIDE strategic goal to support chess in Nordic countries.
Hotel Crowne Plaza Hesperia, Mannerheimintie 50, Helsinki
Tue 13.8. arrival, at 20.00 drawing of lots
Wed 14.8. 10-15 round 1, 17-22 round 2
Thu 15.8. 10-15 round 3, 17-22 round 4
Wed 16.8. 10-15 round 5, 17-22 round 6
Thu 17.8. 10-15 round 7, 17-22 round 8
Fri 18.8. 10-15 round 9, after which prize-giving ceremony
The playing time is classical 90 min/40 moves + 30 minutes for the rest of the game. Increment 30 sec/move from move 1.
The total prize fund for the Helsinki Chess festival is 10 000 eur, which is split by 3000 eur for each invitational tournament and 1000 eur for the blitz tournament to be held on 18.8. at 17-22 in Finnish Chess Arena, Hiomotie 10. The blitz tournament is open for all FIDE rated players.
Chief arbiter IA Margit Brokko
Deputy chief arbiter IA Jouni Lehtivaara
Panu Laine
The playing venue is Hotel Crowne Plaza, Mannerheimintie 50, LUMO conference hall. Players are mostly accommodated to Hotel Marski, Mannerheimintie 10. The distance between the hotels is 1,6 km, 20 min by walk, 9 min by tram.
Three groups (Seniors 65+, Juniors and Girls) are played as 9 round round-robin. The drawing of lots will be done on 13.8. at 20.00 in the players meeting held the in playing venue.
The pairings for the whole tournament will be published after the drawing of lots. If there is more than one player from one country, they will be paired to play against each other during the first 4 rounds.
The tournament will be played according to FIDE regulations and the results will be rated by FIDE.
The time control is: 90 minutes for the first 40 moves plus 30 minutes and an increment of 30 second per move, starting from move 1.
All games will be recorded by electronic chess boards and will be relayed live at internet (tournament pages,
Any player who arrives at the chessboard more than 30 minutesafter the scheduled start of the game shall lose the game unless the arbiter decides otherwise.
Photographing and video recording is allowed only for the first 15 minutes of each round. After 15 minutes photography without a flash and video recording may only be allowed by the permission of the arbiters. There will also be photographing and video recording by the organizers.
Smoking (including e-cigarettes) is only allowed in a place pointed for that, outside the hotel.
Players must not have phones and similar electronic devices with them during their games. Players may leave a mobile phone to arbiters before the game.
The score sheets with readable notation must be delivered to arbiters, copies are for players.
Players who have finished their games are considered as spectators.
Analysis is not allowed in the playing room. Please use the designated analysis area instead.
The prize sum in each group is 3000 euros. The prizes will be divided equally for players who have achieved equal number of points.
Tie-breaks for the final positions are
1. Direct encounter(s)
2. Sonneborn-Berger
3. Number of won games
Tournament director is Panu Laine (+358 40 755 0929), chief arbiter IA Margit Brokko, deputy chief arbiter IA Jouni Lehtivaara (+358 50 592 2045).