Elizabete Limanovska

I started to play chess in 2005 when I was 4 years old (almost 5). I was feeling lonely at home, while my brother was having fun in Chess Club. I really wanted to spend more time with my brother, that’s why I asked my parents to bring me to that Chess Club. That’s how my story started:)

The best achievement in chess so far is a title of Latvian Women Champion, that I’ve gotten in 2018. The huge success in my opinion was good result in World Chess Olympiad in Batumi in 2018, when I’ve scored 6 points out of 8 and won games, that were really important to my team.

At the moment my target is to become a Latvian Women Champion in 2020 and take a part in World Chess Olympiad in 2020.

There is an opinion, that chess improves logic, but I can’t judge, because chess was with me since my childhood. My parents were saying, that I used to be very bad in Maths, but now I have no problems with it! So I can make a conclusion, that chess improved my skills in Maths as well!